On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 03:18:57PM -0400, David Lively wrote:
> Hi -
>   I'm about to start working on host device enumeration, along the
> (HAL-ish) lines of what was discussed back in April:
>   https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-April/msg00005.html
>   I know the xml details haven't been fully fleshed out, but there seems
> to be agreement that it will be a fairly direct mapping from (a subset
> of the) HAL info to the details that we need in the xml.  Doubtless it
> will take a while to figure out exactly what subset suffices (and, for
> that matter, if everything needed is available via HAL ...), but I think
> the work is well-defined for some of the obvious details (discussed in
> the above thread) on which there's broad agreement.
>   Is anyone working on such an implementation?

Did you ever start any work on this project ?  The oVirt guys really want
this done asap, so if you've not started on it, or have a partial start
to work from, I plan to make time to look at it next week

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