DB> cgroups isn't really the schedular here - its just the mechanism
DB> for supplying the cpu_shares parameter to the schedular.

That's true, although I was thinking along the lines of how kconfig
asks you for the method for grouping tasks, of which "cgroups" is an
option.  But, yeah.

DB> I sort of imagined that for Linux based VMs we'd key this off the
DB> various schedulars available for sched_getscheduler(2), but
DB> actually thinking about it more, its probably best to just say
DB> that the schedular is 'posix', and make the choice of SCHED_FIFO,
DB> SCHED_RR, SCHED_OTHER, etc be a tunable parameter.

Okay, sounds good.  I'll change it.

Dan Smith
IBM Linux Technology Center
Open Hypervisor Team

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