On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:39:31AM +0530, srinivas k wrote:
>  Hi,
> I trying to install libvirt-cim in my ubuntu-xen-3.2.1 machine. I am able to
> install all dependencies and libvirt-cim , but when I run cimtest which has
> given in libvirt.org, I am getting following error message
>    * Starting test suite: libvirt-cim
>     ERROR   - Failed to create Virtual Network 'cimtest-networkpool'
>    Unable to create network pool cimtest-networkpool
>    Please check your environment.*
> Is there any special networking setup is require to run cimtest.

A wild guess would be to make sure you have dnsmasq, and brctl commands
available, and iptables. And also make sure the libvirtd daemon is

> Any help would be appreciated. Apologies if this topic has been covered
> already. I can't find it anywhere using Google

The CIM development team tend to mostly be on a different mailing list.
See the 'Mailing list' link here:


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