On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 00:13 +0100, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 07:38:59AM +0200, Chris Lalancette wrote:
> > Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> > > On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 10:44:50AM +0200, Chris Lalancette wrote:
> > >> Things that I've missed?
> > > 
> > > Maybe a good place for this list is on the wiki?  On the actual
> > > feature/todo page.
> > > 
> > > I'd like to see where KVM is going to go with this, since it seems
> > > they are going to implement migration checking.
> > 
> > Yes, OK, I've put that there now.  I also want to see what KVM does here;
> > however, I don't think that prevents us from implementing our own, since we
> > would still need similar things for other hypervisors (Xen, etc.).
> Following on from this, there are some things it is simply not practical
> for the underlying hypervisor to check for itself - specifically things 
> that require knowledge outside the scope of the HV. For example, how
> would the hypervisor ever know whether /dev/sda1 on the source box was
> the same as /dev/sda1 on the destination box. This information is only
> available at a higher level. Indeed for some of this, even libvirt can
> not answer the question, and oVirt would have to make decisions directly.

Does mandating the use of lablels or UUID solve the disk naming problem?
Or does the storage pool model bypass this altogether?

> Looking at Chris' list of things to check for I think one thing is very
> clear - a simple boolean test is not a useful API model at the  libvirt,
> let alone the hypervisor level. There are a series of items that need to
> be checked. Some may appear have a straight yes/no answer, but in fact 
> the eventual decision is a matter of application policy.
> For example it may seem 'obvious' that you cannot migrate a i386 guest
> from an x86_64 host onto a PPC64 host. This would be a bad assumption 
> though, because you may be quite happy to run it on the destination host
> under QEMU's x86_64 or i686 emulator. Whether such a  migration is 
> acceptable is totally dependant on the SLA requirements of the application
> running inside the guest.  So you have a simple yes/no answer, but with
> multiple values of 'yes', some better than others.
> In other cases you may not be able to produce a yes/no answer, having to
> apply heuristics. A hueristic may have a firm negative, and a probable
> positive; a probable negative and a firm positive; a probable negative 
> and a probably positive. For example, checking CPU flag compatability.
> If the source has SSE3, and the destinatio nonly have SSE2, you may or
> may not be safely able to migrate depending on whether any app in the
> guest has probed for & is using SSE3 instructions. Most mgmt tools will
> just be conservative in this scenario and refuse to migrate. Or they
> will mask CPU flags to lowest-common denominator.  Another example is
> a guest whose disks are on firewire/usb storage. You can check this and
> if /dev/sda on the source & destination has different model/vendor/serial
> you can say they're different disks. If they are the same model/vendor/
> serial they may or may not be the same physical disks - it is possible
> to get multi-homed firewire disks even if its not common.
> There is also a problem of race conditions in the checking vs action.
> A guest is using 1 GB of ram, and needs to be on a dedicated NUMA node
> with 1 GB ram free. Between the time of performing the check and the 
> guest being migrated the situation may have changed - other guests may
> have auto-ballooned up/down, the kernel itself may have consumed memory
> on the desired NUMA node for its own purposes (disk/io caches), or other
> user apps may have used/released memory. So we can say there's probably
> enough free memory for the guest to migrate and have all its allocations
> on a single node, but we can't easily guarentee it. Do we apply  some
> safety margin in our checks ? eg, check for 1.2 GB free if the guest
> requires 1 GB ? Do we check, and then pre-reserve it, and then check
> again before migrating. Or just accept that some migrations will fail
> and make damn sure the VM is guarentee to keep running safely on its
> original host. Or all of the above
> Finally there is a problem of some compatability factors requiring some
> amount of host 'setup'. If a guest is using iSCSI as its storage, then
> there is a step where the host has to login to the iSCSI target and create
> device nodes for the LUNs before the guest can be run. You don't want 
> every single host to be logged into all your iSCSI targets all the time.
> So what do you do for your migration check wrt to iSCSI ? Do you just
> check that both hosts can access the same iSCSI server + target ? That
> might not detect LUN masking/zoning well enough. So you probably need 
> to actually do all the iSCSI setup on the target before doing the migrate
> compatability check. And if you decide not to migrate after that, you'll
> want to tear the iSCSI stuff down again.
> This all makes it very hard to think of an API for 'checking' migration
> compatability between 2 hosts. The best option I can think of is something
> along the lines of having the application provide a list of 'facts' it
> wants checked, and getting back a list of answers one per fact, with a
> set of values  'no', 'yes', 'probably-yes', 'probably-no', 'no-idea'.
> I'm really not sure it that would even be useful though. Maybe libvirt
> should stick to just providing as rich a set of metadata about all aspects
> of a host & VM as possible, and letting applications do all comparisons.
> Then again I hate the idea of having do duplicate comparisons across all
> apps using libvirt.
> Daniel

Andrew Cathrow
Product Marketing Manager
Red Hat, Inc.

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