On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 09:32:17PM -0500, David Lively wrote:
> Daniel(s) -
>   In the attached set of patches, I've merged in DanB's reworking of the
> headers, etc. and adjusted my code accordingly.  I've also renamed
> "NodeDriver" to "DeviceMonitor", as discussed with DanV, and added a
> --cap option to the virsh node-list-devices command.

BTW, I've not forgotton about these patches. They are all basically
sane. I'm doing a little more work on my driver modularization patches
to avoid the DBus  / GPL issue,  and have re-diffed your patches ontop
of this. I'll post a combined set real soon, and then we can mergethe
whole lot in one go.

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