On 09/08/2014 09:05 PM, Stefan Berger wrote:
From: Stefan Berger <stef...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Pass the TPM file descriptor to QEMU via command line.
Instead of passing /dev/tpm0 we now pass /dev/fdset/10 and the additional
parameters -add-fd set=10,fd=20.

This addresses the use case when QEMU is started with non-root privileges
and QEMU cannot open /dev/tpm0 for example.

One problem is that for the passing of the file descriptor set to work,
virCommandReorderFDs must not be called on the virCommand. This is prevented
by setting a flag in the virCommandPassFDGetFDIndex that is checked to be
clear when virCommandReorderFDs is run.

Anyone got comments on this patch?


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