On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 03:02:29PM +0300, Anton Protopopov wrote:
> >
> > > If it is, then here is a result of command
> > > [r...@snow tmp]# LIBVIRT_DEBUG=yes virsh create ju >ham 2>&1
> > > Segmentation fault
> >
> Now I have a patch (see next message), that fixes that problem.
> Nevertheless, the other problem is still here and its name is 'pthread
> usage':

After a quick look at the code, most likely suspect is the src/openvz_conf.c
file, the openvzLoadDomains method.

Where it does

        if (VIR_ALLOC(dom) < 0 ||
            VIR_ALLOC(dom->def) < 0)
            goto no_memory;

There is a missing called to

        pthread_mutex_init(&dom->lock, NULL);

So we're likely trying to lock an un-initialized mutex which is results in
'undefined' behaviour.

Can you add that init call and let me know if that helps..

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