On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 05:33:56PM +0100, "Abel M?guez Rodr?guez" wrote:
>     We have updated the libvirt implementation
> for OpenNebula to libvirt- 0.5.1  release, made use of the internal XML
> handling  API and the existing infrastructure for error, data
> structures, etc... 
>     Now we are facing the problem of needing
> several libraries to compile the driver,  the OpenNebula API 
> (liboneapi) and the xmlrpc library that the API makes use of. 
>  The problem is that the xmlrpc library itself depends on: 
> libxmlrpc_client++  libxmlrpc_client libxmlrpc++ libxmlrpc 
>  libxmlrpc_util   libxmlrpc_xmlparse libxmlrpc_xmltok  
> We would like to link just against less libraries to make 
> the driver compilation clear and simple, any idea?

Well if those are the deps of liboneapi library there's no much we can
do about that - just have to link to them. Just make sure they are all
LGPL (or GPLv2+) compatible. We now have ability to build drivers as
dlopen'd modules, so it would neccessarily impact the set of linker
deps of the main libvirt.so library.

|: Red Hat, Engineering, London   -o-   http://people.redhat.com/berrange/ :|
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