On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:57:47AM -0500, John Ferlan wrote:

On 02/25/2015 11:30 AM, Laine Stump wrote:
On 02/25/2015 04:40 AM, Martin Kletzander wrote:
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 02:39:52PM -0500, Laine Stump wrote:
When John Ferlan ran the Coverity static checker on my patches to fix
the problem with nicindexes, it began complaining about calling the
virNetDevBandwidth* functions with a null ifname. Investigation
pointed out some real problems with this that are fixed by these two
patches (which will be pushed *before* the nicindex fix patch).

Makes sense and works for me, ACK series after release.

No, these need to go in *before* the release, as does the patch for
nicindexes - otherwise macvtap and hostdev interfaces will not work.

I agree - this release... For "reference" you have to see Laine's other
patch series which references commit id 'f7afeddc' which was a change
made during this release cycle...

I was under the impression that the series Laine referred to has not
gone in and I jumped on this one since it can be reviewed without that
series I couldn't find.  Anyway, sorry for my mistake then and if John
agree, then I see no point in postponing it.

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