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I represent the Fedora Docs Team. We are interested in publishing a Python libvirt HowTo/Reference Guide for users. We feel that there is a gap with using virtualization from a scripting environment. While virsh fills this gap for simple scripting purposes, a more powerful scripting language is needed for deep administrative purposes. Python is the obvious choice and the libvirt team has provided a great Python module. What is really missing are examples of using the module in both simple and deeper tasks i.e. something more than just how to start and stop a domain.

We propose to create such a document. While we can use pydoc to create the reference material, we need some really good examples that can teach a user how to get real work done using the classes. We also propose to share the document with the libvirt team taking either an upstream or downstream role in maintaining the document. The document would be written in DocBook and published using the Publican system. This would allow you to create your own brand for the document (look and feel) while maintaining compatible source for both our teams. It would also allow the source to be maintained by both teams.

If this sounds interesting to you we would like to begin our planning for the document in the near future with one or more representatives from the libvirt team on board. Please let either myself or Laura Novich (cc'ed on this email) know if this proposal meets with your approval.

W. David Ashley
Fedora Docs Team

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