On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 11:09:01AM +0100, Mario Wolff wrote:
> Hello all,
> first post, first contact! I hope my english is at least understandable.
> I'm using libvirt to manage some kvm hosts with virtual
> Windows-Systems. If i call 'shutdown <system>' in virsh, i get "Domain
> <system> is being shutdown" but on the system a window is displayed
> telling my about remote users.
> Without libvirt i had the kvm-monitor on an ip-port and used 'sendkey
> ret' to kill the dialog.
> Is there a hook/script/extention-api to implement something like this?

We don't provide any API for this function at this time.

> PS: Is someone working on a drbd-storage-driver? Are there interests?
> Is there an interface-description for storage-drivers? Should one wait
> until the drbd is moved to lvm (i've heard there are plans?!?)? Thanks
> again!

I'm not aware of anything doing this. I don't really know much about 
how DRBD works in terms of host OS tools  & setup, so can't say what
this would require for integration in libvirt storage APIs

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