The QEMU wiki page for Google Summer of Code 2016 is now available here:

QEMU will apply for Google Summer of Code 2016 (
If QEMU is accepted there will be funding for students to work on
12-week full-time open source projects remotely from May to August
2016.  QEMU provides a mentor for each student who gives advice and
evaluates their progress.

If you have a project idea, especially if you are a regular
contributor to QEMU and are willing to mentor this summer, please go
to this wiki page and fill out the project idea template:

The project ideas list is part of the application so that QEMU can
participate in GSoC.  It's useful to have your project ideas on the
wiki by February 8th 2016.

If you have any questions about project ideas or QEMU applying to
GSoC, please reply to this thread.


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