On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:28:50AM +0100, Gian Mario wrote:
> Hi to all,
> i need to compile libvirt-3.3.0 to Centos 4.7. Searching in mailing list

  I don't know how you ended up with such a need but it sounds really
really weird to me. Why not use a recent version ? And if you expect Xen
to work on that reliably I'm afraid you may be disapointed. I fail to
see the logic.


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
dan...@veillard.com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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