
I am currently implementing a libvirt driver for my company's proprietary 
custom hypervisor. I have used the VMware driver as a design template, since it 
is interfacing a closed-source hypervisor as well.

Ultimately, as we approach a minimally-usable implementation, we would like to 
upstream our driver mods to libvirt source. What is the process to do so? This 
is all new to me and my organization.

For some brief background info, I am maintaining a git repo of our new code, 
plus ed scripts to modify libvirt source files. I am using quilt to create 
patches which are given to dpkg-buildpackage to create our own .deb packages. 
(I am working on Ubuntu at the moment; soon I will try to address repackaging 
rpms for CentOS).

I appreciate any tips, pointers, suggestions, etc.

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