On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 04:07:29PM -0400, Laine Stump wrote:
> These patches are based on those I sent last week (the public
> virInterface*() API definition, the local plumbing, and the RPC glue),
> but with suggestions incorporated:
> 1) MAC address is always used in null-terminated ASCII string
>    format. This eliminates any potential problems with extra long
>    addresses.
> 2) no comments in libvirt.h
> 3) flags arguments are all unsigned.
> Item (1) caused changes in most of the patches, so I just regenerated
> the entire set. Is this the proper/expected thing to do, or should I
> be making patches of patches?

If the number of lines changes is > 5-10, then I prefer to see whole 
new patch sets as you've just posted, so I can review the whole set
of changes with full context instead of having correlate incremental

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