On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 10:47 +0100, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> IMHO that results in a bad structure, because its anot associating
> the related info together, eg having an separate element to turn
> on/off IPV6, and then listing addresses:
>    <address family='ipv6'/>
>    <ip type='ipv6' address='2001:23::2' prefix='48'/>
>    <ip type='ipv6' address='fe:33:55::33' prefix='64'/>
> vs having the direct association
>    <address family='ipv6'>
>       <ip address='2001:23::2' prefix='48'/>
>       <ip address='fe:33:55::33' prefix='64'/>
>    </address>
> the latter removes the redundancy from specifying address family in
> multiple places

Ok .. I agree that we should have a container tag like that - we should
probably call it <protocol/> though instead of <address/>

        <protocol family='ipv6'>
          <ip .../>
          <route .../>
          ... other ipv6 specific settings ...

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