On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:55:31PM +0200, Ruben S. Montero wrote:
> Hi Daniel
> These are great news indeed!. We are already doing the testing of the driver.
> THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help

It would be good to get a page on the libvirt website outlining how
to use the OpenNebula driver. At least documenting the URI syntax to
use, and providing some example XML files that work, and any other
info you think might be useful to people

The website is all stored in regular CVS repo, so you can just send
patches to the content in the docs/ directory.

You would wan tto create a file docs/drvopennebula.html.in and put
your content in that (look at docs/drvqemu.html.in for example).
The .html file is auto-generated bfrom the html.in file

Also add an etry in the sitemap file docs/sitemap.html.in under the
Documentation -> Drivers section.

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