On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 05:13:49AM -0400, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
> I defined a new guest using the virt-manager GUI ... everything fine so far.  
> I 
> then decided that my definition was not correct (or I could be done with that 
> guest) and could not find a way to delete the guest.
> OK, quit virt-manager, delete the configuration and disk-image files for the 
> guest, restart libvirtd, and then start virt-manager again.  The guest 
> definition (according to virt-manager) was still there.  I finnaly got rid of 
> the definition by re-booting the system.  THIS IS NOT SATISFACTORY!
> IMHO, I should be able to:
> 1. Define a new guest.
> 2. Delete the definition of a new guest but not the related configuration and 
> disk-image files.

The "definition" is the configuration. If you delete an inactive guest,
this is removing the configuration file on disk

> 3. Delete the guest definition and the related configuration and disk image 
> files 
> but NOT and CD/DVD image files external to /var/lib/libvirt/images.

The virt-manager UI already allows this. Select an inactive guest, and press
the 'Delete' button. It'll offer to delete associated disks, and only selecting
private disk images by default, but can be overriden to deleted shared disk
and CDROMs if desired.

> 4. Import new guests which were created as clones, copied from another host, 
> or convert created from something like VMware.

That's on the todo list.

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