On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 10:26:12 -0500, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 05/17/2018 05:43 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
> > Here's my updated counterproposal for a backup API.
> > 
> > In comparison to v2 posted by Nikolay:
> > https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2018-April/msg00115.html
> > - changed terminology a bit: Nikolay's "BlockSnapshot" is now called a
> > "Checkpoint", and "BlockExportStart/Stop" is now "BackupBegin/End"
> > - flesh out more API descriptions
> > - better documentation of proposed XML, for both checkpoints and backup
> > 
> > Barring any major issues turned up during review, I've already starting
> > to code this into libvirt with a goal of getting an implementation ready
> > for review this month.
> > 
> > // Many additional functions copying heavily from virDomainSnapshot*:
> > 
> > virDomainCheckpointList(virDomainPtr domain,
> >                          virDomainCheckpointPtr **checkpoints,
> >                          unsigned int flags);
> > 
> > 
> > int
> > virDomainCheckpointListChildren(virDomainCheckpointPtr checkpoint,
> >                                  virDomainCheckpointPtr **children,
> >                                  unsigned int flags);
> > 
> > Notably, none of the older racy list functions, like
> > virDomainSnapshotNum, virDomainSnapshotNumChildren, or
> > virDomainSnapshotListChildrenNames; also, for now, there is no revert
> > support like virDomainSnapshotRevert.
> I'm finding it easier to understand if I name these:
> virDomainListCheckpoints() (find checkpoints relative to a domain)
> virDomainCheckpointListChildren() (find children relative to a checkpoint)

If you are going to name them "checkpoints" here we should first
rename "snapshots with memory" in our docs since we refer to them as
checkpoints. We refer to disk-only snapshots as snapshots and wanted to
emphasize the difference.

> The counterpart Snapshot API used virDomainListAllSnapshots(); the term
> 'All' was present because it was added after the initial racy
> virDomainSnapshotNum(), but as we are avoiding the racy API here we can skip
> it from the beginning.
> -- 
> Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
> Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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