On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 06:47:07PM -0500, Charles Duffy wrote:
> Howdy, all.
> I maintain a test infrastructure which makes heavy use of virDomainSave 
> and virDomainRestore, and have been seeing occasional cases where my 
> saved images are for some reason not restored correctly -- and, indeed, 
> the incoming migration streams are not even read in their entirety.
> While this generally appears to be caused by issues outside of libvirt's 
> purview, one unfortunate issue is that libvirt can report success 
> performing a restore even when the operation is effectively an abject 
> failure.
> Consider the following snippet, taken from one of my 
> /var/log/libvirt/qemu/<domain>.log files:
> LC_ALL=C PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin USER=root LOGNAME=root 
> /usr/bin/qemu-kvm -S -M pc-0.11 -m 512 -smp 1 <...lots of arguments 
> here...> -incoming exec:cat
> cat: write error: Broken pipe
> This leaves a running qemu hosting a catatonic guest -- but the libvirt 
> client (connecting through the Python bindings) received a status of 
> success for the operation given here.

Urgh, more QEMU badness. QEMU spawned 'cat', so if 'cat' exits with a
non-zero exit status, QEMU should see that it failed and thus exit 
itself, rather than pretending everything was OK with migration.

The flaw in QEMU is depressingly obvious

   static int stdio_pclose(void *opaque)
      QEMUFileStdio *s = opaque;
      return 0;

Notice how it completely discards the exit status returned by
pclone() and just pretends everything always worked :-(

If this was handling errors correctly, you'd at least see  QEMU
exiting rather than hanging around broken.

> libvirt's mechanism for validating a successful restore consists of 
> running a "cont" command on the guest, and then checking 
> virGetLastError(); AIUI, it is expected that the "cont" will not be able 
> to run until the restore is completed, as the monitor should not be 
> responsive until that time. Browsing through qemudMonitorSendCont (and 
> qemudMonitorCommandWithHandler, which it calls), I don't see anything 
> which looks at the log file with the stderr output from qemu to 
> determine whether an error actually occurred. (As an aside, "info 
> history" on the guest's monitor socket indicates that it was indeed 
> issued this "cont").

Hmm, this does look problematic - we need the monitor to be responsive
in order to do things like CPU pinning. We need the monitor to be
non-responsive to ensure 'cont' doesn't run until migration has finished.
We can't have it both ways, and the former wins since we need that to be
done before ever letting QEMU start allocating guest RAM pages. So relying
on 'cont' to block is not good.  Is the 'cont' even neccessary - I remember
seeing somewhere that QEMU unconditionally started its CPUs after an 
incoming migraiton finished ?

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