On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 03:28:08PM -0400, Amy Griffis wrote:
> The following patches fix logging for the lxc controller. The lxc
> controller makes use of the libvirt logging module, but because it
> doesn't re-initialize the logging configuration the messages are
> currently going nowhere.
> There are a couple of options in fixing this. The lxc controller could
> use libvirtd's logging configuration exactly, or it adopt a more
> independent mode of logging to the container log file. After talking
> with Daniel Veillard a while back, it seemed clear that both behaviors
> are desirable. I resolved this by adding a lxc.conf file for the lxc
> driver, with a boolean variable to toggle between modes.

This sounds like a good approach - it is definitely useful to be able to
send LXC controller logs to a different place than the daemon logs, not
least to avoid totally mixed-up/corrupt log messages since you won't be
getting synchronization between libvirtd & LXC

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