On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 05:23:55PM +0200, Stefan wrote:
> Hello,
> * Is it possible to add the "kvm -drive"-option "cache=none" to libvirtd.conf 
> ?
>   It's a recommendation of XFS FAQ:
> http://xfs.org/index.php/XFS_FAQ#Q:_Which_settings_are_best_with_virtualization_like_VMware.2C_XEN.2C_qemu.3F

Add this within the <disk> element

  <driver cache='none'/>

> * Is there a generic way to handle kvm options that are not supported in 
> libvirtd.conf ?

Submit an RFE for the option in question :-)

> * Is it generally a bad idea to use XFS with KVM ?

I don't know of any problems with using XFS, there was a bug a long while
back with a combo of AIO + sparse files, but that's long since fixed.

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