On 04/11/09 11:06, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Are you sure about this?  According to the man page for inet_ntop the
INET*_ADDRSTRLEN macro should be long enough already:

               src points to a struct in_addr (in network byte order) which  is
               converted  to an IPv4 network address in the dotted-decimal for-
               mat,  "ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd".   The  buffer  dst  must  be  at  least
               INET_ADDRSTRLEN bytes long.

               src points to a struct in6_addr (in network byte order) which is
               converted to a representation of this address in the most appro-
               priate IPv6 network address format for this address.  The buffer
               dst must be at least INET6_ADDRSTRLEN bytes long.

No, I wasn't sure :) However, reading this and realising I miscalculated the maximum size of an IPv4 address[1], I'll withdraw this patch.



[1] INET_ADDRSTRLEN == 16. I forgot there's only 3 dots, so I didn't think it was leaving space.
Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team

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