On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 10:08:33AM +0000, Tom Hughes wrote:
> On 06/01/10 18:56, Nikola Ciprich wrote:
> >I've had similar trouble with old bios images. Once I replaced them with
> >those built with qemu-kvm, things started working...
> I've using the packages from virt-preview so I've got whatever BIOS 
> images are being packaged. I've experimented some more now and even a 
> simple:
>   qemu-kvm -enable-kvm
> just gives me nothing whereas the older version brings up the BIOS screen.
> Actually looking at it, the BIOS is a separate package which doesn't 
> exist in the virt-preview repository so I'm still using the normal 
> Fedora one. Maybe that's the problem?

Yes, the KVM from rawhide is not compatible with the BIOS from F12, so
this sounds like a bug in virt-preview

> What's the best channel for reporting issues with the virt-preview packages?

The fedora-virt mailing list

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