On 15/01/10 09:18, Marc Haber wrote:
> [my apologies for this re-post. I stupidly managed to hide the first
> instance of this mail away in an unrelated patch-thread and am thus
> afraid that the people who could have answered didn't see it]
> Hi,
> I have one test host running Debian unstable (kernel, and I
> would like to virtualize on it using KVM and virsh. Debian unstable
> has libvirt 0.7.5.
> On this host, I cannot start any KVM domain using console with these
> XML parts:
>     <serial type='pty'>
>       <target port='0'/>
>     </serial>
>     <console type='pty'>
>       <target port='0'/>
>     </console>
> When I try virsh start $domain, I get the error message:
> error: internal error no assigned pty for device serial0
> When I remove the serial and console stanza, the machine starts up.
> This is the configuration documented everywhere. At first, I suspected
> a change in the configuration syntax and filed Debian bug #565145, But
> on the #virt IRC channel, people suggested that there was a change in
> libvirt parsing KVM's output, which may be a genuine bug breaking the
> console.
> Is this already a known issue? Can I do anything to help debugging?

Hi, Marc,

Could you please post the full domain XML, and the QEMU command line it
generated? You can get the latter from
/var/log/libvirt/qemu/<domain>.log. Can you also post the versions of
qemu and libvirt?

This should let me see where it's going wrong.


Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team

M:       +44 (0)7977 267231
GPG ID:  D33C3490
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