On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 05:30:21PM +0800, Osier Yang wrote:
> hi
>     When libvirtd is running,  I changed "unix_sock_ro_perms=0777" into 
> ""unix_sock_ro_perms=0755", and then reload the configuration with:
>      kill -SIGHUP `pidof libvirtd`  or "service libvirtd reload"
>      the permission of /var/lib/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro still is 0777, 
> but not 0755.
>      and after "service libvirtd restart",  the permission is changed 
> into 0755.
>      think it's a little problem.
>      libvirt version: libvirt-0.7.6-1.fc12.x86_64

libvirtd never attempts to reload /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf while
running. The SIGHUP only triggers a reload of the hypervisor drivers'
guest/network configuration files.

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