> On Jan 22, 2021, at 12:12 PM, Matt Coleman <mcole...@datto.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 22, 2021, at 12:07 PM, Matt Coleman <mcole...@datto.com> wrote:
>>> On Jan 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM, Laine Stump <la...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On 1/22/21 11:05 AM, Laine Stump wrote:
>>>> 1) There are several cleanup functions in external libraries that in the 
>>>> past were only called after checking that the pointer was != NULL. 
>>>> g_autoptr cleanups need to handle being called with NULL as a NOP, and I'm 
>>>> concerned that these functions may not behave properly in that case. Can 
>>>> you either verify that it's safe to call them with NULL, or provide a 
>>>> wrapper function that checks for NULL and use that as the cleanup?
>>> I asked about item (2) on IRC just now, and danpb produced a short example 
>>> program that proves it is okay to use values from auto-freed objects as the 
>>> return value of a function. So there is only question (1) left. Let me know 
>>> and I'll either push or wait for modified patches accordingly.
>> For WsXmlDocH, GLib's documentation says that 
>>> The function will not be called if the variable to be cleaned up contains 
>>> NULL.
>> https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Miscellaneous-Macros.html#G-DEFINE-AUTOPTR-CLEANUP-FUNC:CAPS
>> For client_opt_t and filter_t, the third parameter to 
>> G_DEFINE_AUTO_CLEANUP_FREE_FUNC() was used to prevent the types' free 
>> functions from being called if they're NULL.
> Oh, woops. Caffeine hasn't kicked in. I got that all backwards.
> There is an issue with client_opt_t, which doesn't have a NULL check:
> https://github.com/Openwsman/openwsman/blob/bcf670dba4d81ec1669cfd1dd7e2b57f0957e534/src/lib/wsman-client.c#L361
> filter_t does have a NULL check:
> https://github.com/Openwsman/openwsman/blob/bcf670dba4d81ec1669cfd1dd7e2b57f0957e534/src/lib/wsman-filter.c#L250
> -- 
> Matt

Evidently, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer today: this is 
NULL-safe as it is.

For WsXmlDocH, G_DEFINE_AUTO_CLEANUP_FREE_FUNC's third parameter ensures that 
the cleanup function won't be called if the variable is NULL:

On top of that, its cleanup function also includes a NULL check:

For client_opt_t and filter_t, G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC expands to code 
that contains a NULL check:


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