On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 03:25:18PM +0530, Kumar L Srikanth-B22348 wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I am able to get the 'ifconfig' details in any one of the following 2
> cases:
> 1. If I execute '/sbin/ifconfig'
> 2. If I include '/sbin' in the PATH environment variable.
> But, the result of ifconfig is showing all the IP's available in the
> host machine (The same result when I execute ifconfig in the host).

> > [vm1_fedora_container.xml]
> > <domain type='lxc' id='1'>
> >   <name>vm1_fedora</name>
> >     <memory>500000</memory>
> >       <os>
> >           <type>exe</type>
> >           <init>/bin/bash</init>
> >       </os>
> >       <vcpu>1</vcpu>
> >       <clock offset='utc'/>
> >       <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
> >       <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
> >       <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>
> >       <devices>
> >         <emulator>/usr/libexec/libvirt_lxc</emulator>      
> >         <filesystem type='mount'>
> >           <source dir='/root/lxc/fedora12'/>    /*This is the rootfs
> > directory for my linux container(fedora12)*/
> >           <target dir='/'/>  /* I mounted it to '/' directory in the 
> > Domain. */
> >         </filesystem>
> > <console type='pty' />
> >       </devices>
> > </domain>

You've not listed any network interface here. So the container is
inheriting the host network. If you add a network interface it'll
work as you expect

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