On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 06:16:12PM +0200, Jiri Denemark wrote:
> ...
> > /* Get a handle to the current in-use snapshot for the domain */
> > virDomainSnapshotPtr virDomainSnapshotCurrent(virDomainPtr domain,
> >                                               unsigned int flags);
> This call needs to be changed a bit to allow distinguishing between an error
> and a domain with no snapshots (i.e., no current snapshot):
> int virDomainSnapshotCurrent(virDomainPtr domain,
>                              virDomainSnapshotPtr *snapshot,
>                              unsigned int flags);

I think it'd be nicer to keep the first syntax, but add a way to query if
a guest has a current snapshot

   int virDomainSnapshotHasCurrent(virDomainPtr dom);

That way, virDomainSnapshotCurrent() has no need to distingush between the
'no snapshots' error and other types of errors.

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