
> Having said that I find Fedora does still buld shim 15.4 for
> aarch64. We only exclude 32-bit, and I think RHEL does the
> same.  Whether anyone's tested SecureBoot on aarch64 in
> Fedora/RHEL though, I'm not so sure.

Well, at least the fedora shim builds are not signed with anything,
and grub doesn't look much better:

    $ pesigcheck -v -i grubaa64.efi 
    [ ... ]
    Signature has impossible time constraint: 1639158862 <= 1373397163
    Peer's Certificate has expired.
    [ ... ]
    $ date --date @1373397163
    Tue Jul  9 21:12:43 CEST 2013

I think we can take that as clear indication that nobody ever tested
secure boot with fedora on aarch64 ;)

take care,

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