Hello, I am Dihia Bendjenahi, a 4th year computer science student at The Higher National School of Computer Science of Algiers, Algeria. I am specialized in computer systems. I came across Libvirt's projects list for GSOC and I was really interested by the "Metadata Support For All Object Schemas" project. I have worked on multiple projects throughout my studies and I used different data structures, datatypes, programming languages and data formats to deal with data. I have been working with C language since I was in high school (for around 6 years now) and I wrote tens of projects ranging from simple small projects to complex programs. I would love to know whether I can start working on my proposal for this particular project, and I would also love to get your thoughts about what to do next and how to get started with Libvirt. I would really appreciate your help. I'm sorry to disturb you and thank you for your time.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Cordially