We no longer link to it from anywhere.

Signed-off-by: Andrea Bolognani <abolo...@redhat.com>
 docs/java.rst    | 127 -----------------------------------------------
 docs/meson.build |   1 -
 2 files changed, 128 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 docs/java.rst

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-Java API bindings
-.. contents::
-The Java bindings make use of `JNA <https://jna.dev.java.net/>`__ to expose the
-C API in a Java friendly way. The bindings are based on work initiated by Toth
-Getting it
-The latest versions of the libvirt Java bindings can be downloaded from:
--  `libvirt.org HTTP server <https://download.libvirt.org/java/>`__
-A maven repository is located at https://download.libvirt.org/maven2/ which you
-can use to include this in your maven projects.
-GIT source repository
-The Java bindings code source is now maintained in a
-`git <https://git-scm.com/>`__ repository available on
-`gitlab.com <https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt-java/>`__:
-   git clone https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt-java.git
-The code is built using ant, and assumes that you have the jna jar installed.
-Once you have downloaded the code you can build the code with
-   % cd libvirt-java
-   % ant build
-The bindings are articulated around a few classes in the ``org/libvirt``
-package, notably the ``Connect``, ``Domain`` and ``Network`` ones. Functions in
-the `C API <html/index.html>`__ taking ``virConnectPtr``, ``virDomainPtr`` or
-``virNetworkPtr`` as their first argument usually become methods for the
-classes, their name is just stripped from the virConnect or virDomain(Get)
-prefix and the first letter gets converted to lower case, for example the C
-``int virConnectNumOfDomains (virConnectPtr conn);``
-``int virDomainSetMaxMemory (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long memory);``
-``virDomain.setMaxMemory(long memory)``
-There is of course some functions where the mapping is less direct and using
-extra classes to map complex arguments. The
-`Javadoc <https://java.libvirt.org/javadoc>`__ is available online
-or as part of a separate libvirt-java-javadoc package.
-So let's look at a simple example inspired from the ``test.java`` test found in
-``src`` in the source tree:
-   import org.libvirt.*;
-   public class minitest {
-       public static void main(String[] args) {
-           Connect conn=null;
-           try{
-               conn = new Connect("test:///default", true);
-           } catch (LibvirtException e) {
-               System.out.println("exception caught:"+e);
-               System.out.println(e.getError());
-           }
-           try{
-               Domain testDomain=conn.domainLookupByName("test");
-               System.out.println("Domain:" + testDomain.getName() + " id " +
-                                  testDomain.getID() + " running " +
-                                  testDomain.getOSType());
-           } catch (LibvirtException e) {
-               System.out.println("exception caught:"+e);
-               System.out.println(e.getError());
-           }
-       }
-   }
-There is not much to comment about it, it really is a straight mapping from the
-C API, the only points to notice are:
--  the import of the modules in the ``org.libvirt`` package
--  getting a connection to the hypervisor, in that case using the readonly
-   access to the default test hypervisor.
--  getting an object representing the test domain using ``lookupByName``
--  if the domain is not found a LibvirtError exception will be raised
--  extracting and printing some information about the domain using various
-   methods associated to the Domain class.
-Up until version 0.4.7 the Java bindings were available from the central maven
-If you want to use 0.4.8 or higher, please add the following repository to your
-   <repositories>
-     <repository>
-       <id>libvirt-org</id>
-       <url>https://download.libvirt.org/maven2</url>
-     </repository>
-   </repositories>
diff --git a/docs/meson.build b/docs/meson.build
index 4945340a1e..68359be0b4 100644
--- a/docs/meson.build
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@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ docs_rst_files = [
-  'java',

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