On 8/29/23 21:22, Mario Marietto wrote:
> Hello.

> The error that I'm not able to fix is the following one :
> root@chromarietto:~#  virsh domcapabilities --machine virt
> --emulatorbin /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-arm
> 2023-08-29 10:17:59.110+0000: 1763: error : virHostCPUGetKVMMaxVCPUs:1228 :
> KVM is not supported on this platform: Function not implemented ;
> error: failed to get emulator capabilities
> error: KVM is not supported on this platform: Function not implemented
This is the source code that reports that error:


Long story short, you are missing kvm.h header. On my system it's
located under: /usr/include/linux/kvm.h and provided by linux-headers

And if you think about it (and take a look at the other implementation
of the function), it kind of makes sense - libvirt opens /dev/kvm and
calls series of ioctl()-s to learn about KVM capabilities. Libvirt
shouldn't hard code values but rather use the ones provided by kernel
header files.

Happy hacking!


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