On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 04:43:41PM +0530, Kumar L Srikanth-B22348 wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Daniel.
> Virsh dominfo dommand showing following results:
> Id:             32473
> Name:           vm1
> UUID:           f13bc513-15f2-1dd1-74f6-18c47931ece9
> OS Type:        exe
> State:          running
> CPU(s):         1
> Max memory:     5000000 kB
> Used memory:    5000000 kB
> Autostart:      disable
> Though whatever services running on the domain, every time used memory
> is showing as 5000000 kB. Is that result is correct?

The 'Max memory' 5000000 KB is the hard limit that is allocated to the 
container. I thought that the 'used memory' field would be lower, but
its possible we don't have the actual stats for used memory so just
set both the same. I'd have to research the code again to answer for

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