On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 14:57, Justin Clift <jcl...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 10/19/2010 11:31 PM, arnaud.champ...@devatom.fr wrote:
>> ?Okay, I have found it, I must use "libc.so.6" and the function name is
>> strdup not _strdup...
>> So, it push to an other questions :
>> Is libc.so.6 present on any linux distro ? (I use a fedora 13 here)
> It's a very standard library.  Sometimes it is "libc.so.6", on older
> Linux's, it can be "libc.so.5".
> You are generally safe to use it. :)

why does he need to know it? It only helps to ruin portability.

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