On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 03:00:45PM +0200, Daniel Veillard wrote:
>   To ease debugging this trivial patch allows to find what was compiled
> in in the local version of libvirt, this doesn't work for remote access
> but that's probably sufficient. With the patch I get on my machine:
> paphio:~/libvirt/tools -> ./virsh --version
> Virsh command line tool of libvirt 0.8.4
> See web site at http://libvirt.org/
> Compiled with support for:
>  Hypervisors: Xen QEmu/KVM UML OpenVZ LXC ESX PHYP Test 
>  Networking: Remote Daemon Network Bridging Netcf Nwfilter 
>  Storage: Dir Disk Filesystem SCSI Multipath iSCSI LVM 
>  Miscellaneous: SELinux Secrets Debug Readline 
> paphio:~/libvirt/tools -> 
>  instead of just "0.8.4"

Hmm, if any script is running the current 'virsh --version' command
to get the version number then this will break their usage. I think
we should require a different and/or extra flag to print the
extended data. --version is not a great place since this isn't
really version information.

Apache uses  -v for plain version number, and -V for version number
plus build options/info

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