Eric sorry for private mail, I tought libvirt-list was the "To".

Le 04/01/2011 18:13, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
Hi all

Le 03/01/2011 22:32, Eric Blake a écrit :
On 01/01/2011 03:38 AM, Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

connecting to a remote server using qemu+ssh is always done with root
user. The problem we face is that we don't allow root connection for ssh.

I haven't tried, but it seems to me like you should be able to do
qemu+ssh://u...@remote/system in order to connect as user instead of root.

Following Justins link -which says the same that you- it works.

My problem was that I wanted to do it with virt-manager which only connect using URI qemu+ssh://r...@remote/system :-(

I face a strange behavior: I added my user in libvirt group and modify libvirtd.conf to start with group libvirt. I restart libvirt-bin and:

virsh -c qemu+ssh:///system
d...@localhost's password:
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type:  'help' for help with commands
       'quit' to quit

virsh # list
 Id Name                 State
  1 XPHome               running

virsh #

Now without connecting through ssh:

Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type:  'help' for help with commands
       'quit' to quit

virsh # list
 Id Name                 State

virsh #

So using virsh I don't see VM's! If I do 'sudo virsh' it's OK. What is wrong in my setup?

Thanks for your help

I got it: when you connect as an user with virsh it does't automatically connect to local system as it does as root user: virsh -c qemu:///system is the right command.

Thanks for your time.

PS: if someone knows how to connect virt-manager with ssh as a normal user, would appreciate to share :-)

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