On 05/01/2011, at 3:02 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 09:01:53AM +1100, Justin Clift wrote:
>> Hey Daniel,
>> Is Erics' text below (with the + 's) correct?
>>>>    <p>
>>>> -      Both mailing lists require that you subscribe before posting to the 
>>>> list,
>>>> -      otherwise your posting will be delayed for manual approval by 
>>>> mailman.
>>>> -      You can subscribe at the linked webpages above.
>>>> +      It is recommended but not required that you subscribe before 
>>>> posting to
>>>> +      the user and development lists.  First-time posts may be subject to
>>>> +      manual moderation delays.  You can subscribe at the linked web pages
>>>> +      above.
>>> This is the only hunk where I'd like confirmation from one of the list
>>> admins before you push (in case I'm wrong on list policies actually in
>>> place).  But everything else looks good to me.
>  Actually any post from a non-subscribed address will be delayed, not just
> the first time, so s/First-time/Non-subscribers/ and that should be fine.

Thanks.  Pushed with that change. :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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