On 20/01/2011, at 9:58 PM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> I think perhaps the two pages should be re-arranged, it doesn't
> entirely make sense to have two different pages of related links
> at the same level in the nav. Either just have one page with
> all the data, or split up the apps page into a set of pages
> one per main heading, and put the current related links content
> as another section

Hmmm.  The way I'm looking at it is pretty different.  One page (the apps one) 
is purely showcase.

It shows people there's a wide variety of things using libvirt, including some 
mission critical things (ie Tivoli, Hudson, etc).  Ideally I'd like to get the 
logo's for each product/project on there too, but that can sometimes take a lot 
of legwork, sign-offs, etc.

The "Related links" page is very different.  That's pointers to other things 
people may find useful and relevant.

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