
I grabbed today's git head of libvirt.  Created a VM (clean install of
ubuntu oneiric, installed through virt-manager), and cloned it 3 times.
Then I did

serge@ubuntu:~$ for i in `seq 1 4`; do virsh start o$i  > /tmp/o$i 2>&1 & done
[1] 12184
[2] 12185
[3] 12186
[4] 12187
serge@ubuntu:~$ virsh list
error: Failed to list active domains
error: End of file while reading data: Input/output error

serge@ubuntu:~$ virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 5     o2                             shut off
 7     o3                             shut off
 8     o4                             shut off

[1]   Exit 1                  virsh start o$i > /tmp/o$i 2>&1
[2]   Done                    virsh start o$i > /tmp/o$i 2>&1
serge@ubuntu:~$ virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 5     o2                             running
 7     o3                             running
 8     o4                             running

[3]-  Done                    virsh start o$i > /tmp/o$i 2>&1
[4]+  Done                    virsh start o$i > /tmp/o$i 2>&1
serge@ubuntu:~$ cat /tmp/o1
error: Failed to start domain o1
error: Unable to wait for child process: Bad file descriptor

It's quite reproducible.  An ubuntu bug report was filed at

It's also very reminiscent of some lxc startup handshake issues
which have been fixed.

You can find the last chunk of the log file at


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