On 09/06/2012 10:38 AM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Thu, Sep 06, 2012 at 10:18:22AM +0200, Wido den Hollander wrote:

At the CloudStack project we are switching to Maven for building and
resolving external dependencies.

In the central Maven repository [0] the latest version of
libvirt-java is however 0.4.7

Could 0.4.8 be uploaded to this repository?

Thank you,


[0]: http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|org.libvirt

   it's maven which should fetch data from libvirt.org
and i though I had updated everything as needed:


  if you can get an idea why it is not fetching then I will fix,
but I have tried to set everything up, and didn't got feedback that
it was broken or anything,

I added libvirt.org as a manual repository and while fetching the dependencies I saw:

[INFO] snapshot org.apache.cloudstack:xapi:5.6.100-1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from libvirt-org Downloading: http://libvirt.org/maven2/org/libvirt/libvirt/0.4.8/libvirt-0.4.8.pom
1K downloaded  (libvirt-0.4.8.pom)
[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Error retrieving checksum file for org/libvirt/libvirt/0.4.8/libvirt-0.4.8.pom - IGNORING [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cloudstack:cloud-server:4.0.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from libvirt-org Downloading: http://libvirt.org/maven2/org/libvirt/libvirt/0.4.8/libvirt-0.4.8.jar
69K downloaded  (libvirt-0.4.8.jar)
[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Error retrieving checksum file for org/libvirt/libvirt/0.4.8/libvirt-0.4.8.jar - IGNORING

A tcpdump shows me it is looking for:
* libvirt-0.4.8.pom.md5
* libvirt-0.4.8.pom.sha1
* libvirt-0.4.8.jar.md5
* libvirt-0.4.8.pom.sha1

These files are not available. (404)

Could it be that the central Maven repository requires the checksum to work?



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