On 10/29/2012 08:26 AM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
> On 10/27/2012 03:18 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
>> OK, I have the basic implementation for libvirt support of dhcp6. Let
>> me say again that 98% of the work was already done.  There is still a
>> bunch of work today which includes writing some tests, understanding
>> how things such as bootp, dhcp-host, etc. should be supported with
>> dhcp6, as well as the items I discuss below.
>> 1.  Right now, the only way that dhcp6 is in effect is if there is no
>> dhcp4 range definition.  This will be fixed/expanded so that, at a
>> minimum, you can have both a dhcp4 and dhcp6 on the same interface. 
>> However, it appears to be easier to just pass to dnsmasq ANY/EVERY
>> dhcp4 range or dhcp6 range defined in the xml.
>> Comments?  Any input on which approach to use or avoid?
> For the current situation, the implementation is for one (the first)
> IPv4 dhcp and one (the first) IPv6 dhcp.  This introduces enough
> little gotchas that need to be worked out.

I think that is the proper thing to do for now. As discussed earlier,
before supporting dhcp on multiple subnets of the same protocol (ipv6 vs
ipv4) we would need to decide why and how we want to do that - IPs
assigned from different subnets need to be matched with the IP address
of that subnet, and it will take a more complicated dnsmasq commandline
to do that, iirc.

>> 2.  I have modified radvd so both stateful (dhcp6) and stateless
>> (SLAAC) addressing is supported with radvd for the default route.
>> This is done on an interface basis (that is the way it works).  So if
>> any dhcp6 range is specified, then stateful is used.  The way this is
>> implemented will make it easy to add some tests verifying that the
>> configuration parameters are working.  I intend this to be an
>> expansion to networkxml2argvtest since it has the xml specification
>> files which determine both dnsmasq and radvd configuration parameters.
> NC ... working fine.
>> 3. After completing what I thought was code that should result in a
>> guest getting dhcp6 addresses, it was not working.  Once more it took
>> me a little time to realize that ip6tables rules were blocking it. [I
>> have been down this path before, you would think I would realize the
>> problem sooner.]
>> 3a. In looking over the ip6tables rules, I saw a whole bunch of
>> additions at the top of the INPUT chain which were accepts for
>> udp/tcp port 53.  In looking at the code in bridge_driver.c, I found
>> that, every time a network device was started, 3 FORWARD rules and 2
>> INPUT rules were added, but, when the network device was destroyed,
>> only the 3 FORWARD rules were removed.  I believe this is a bug (but
>> not high priority) and I will be submitting a separate patch to fix
>> this.
>> 3b. There are two different approaches for the rule which allows the
>> dhcp6 server to work.  I could add (actually insert) one rule to the
>> INPUT chain which accepted the packet if it is "-d ff02::1:2 "--dport
>> 547".  Or, I could add (insert) a rule specifying "-i virbr__" for
>> every IPv6 device which would be removed when the device was destroyed.
> OBE - I chose the approach of adding (and removing) a rule per
> interface.  The rule adds "--dport 547" but does NOT specify "-d
> ff02::1:2".  

I haven't looked at how dhcp6 works, but if its anything like dhcp4, the
IP address is irrelevant and shouldn't be included in the rule. As long
as your rule specifies both the interface and port, that should be fine
(take a look at the rules already being added for dhcp4) (and no, I have
absolutely no idea why we add a rule to allow *tcp* on the dhcp port.
It's just been that way since the first day I set eyes on the code).

> This works With the radvd configuration and a dhcp-range specified for
> a ipv6 subnet, a guest will get a dhcp6 address and RA default route.

Interesting - so both radvd and dnsmasq are involved, correct?

>> 4.  After getting all of this working to my satisfaction, my next
>> mountain to climb is VM ... it really does not like network xml
>> definitions which include a dhcp-range for an ipv6 definition.
>> Comments?
>> NOTE:  I am implementing all of this assuming that my previous
>> patches have been accepted ... the ones for creating a dnsmasq
>> conf-file for parameters rather than using the dnsmasq command-line.

I have no problem with the "convert from long commandline to conf file"
patch except for the bit that points to a "conf directory" where user
supplied conf files can be added. Aside from that part needing to be in
a spearate patch, if we're going to add that kind of configurability, we
need to do it in a way that will allow us to easily see that the user is
playing outside the fence (otherwise we spend a lot of time chasing
"bugs" that end up being caused by user-supplied options).

Because we're in freeze right now I haven't spent a lot of time
discussing that, but planned to send a message about it when I get a minute.

>> I am sure that someone could spend the time refitting the dhcp6
>> patches to the old code but why get aggravated?  If you folks do not
>> want to do things that way, fine, please say so.  But if it is going
>> to be accepted, then I would like some indication of this.
> 5. As far as I can tell (or at least this is for dnsmasq),
> "dhcp-no-override", "enable-tftp", "tftp-root=", and "dhcp-boot=" are
> all IPv4 only and thus ignored for IPv6 in bridge_driver.  I have not
> looked to see what network_conf.c does.

"what network_conf.c does"? Well, it of course doesn't deal directly
with those options, but the config that feeds into some of those options
is parsed in virNetworkIPParseXML(), and is only done if the <ip>
element is ipv4. But then you've already seen that code if you have dhcp
working for ipv6 - the <dhcp> element is also only parsed for ipv6. The
format-side code doesn't have that extra check; I guess I figured that
if there was no way to configure ipv6 with dhcp or tftp, it was safe to
assume any ip element with dhcp or tftp info was ipv4 anyway.

> 6.  Handling of the info for addn-hosts file and the dhcp-hostsfile. 
> This currently works because things are forced so that one and only
> one IPv4 dhcp definition will be handled.  With the addition of IPv6
> dhcp, things fall apart.
> 6a. addn-hosts:  The addn-hosts file is similar to the /etc/hosts file
> in both form and function.  The <dns>-<host> specification is done on
> an interface bases and, thus, the processing of the data and creation
> of the file should only be done once.
> 6b. dhcp-hostsfile (dhcp-host=):  This needs to be done at least for
> every ip definition that is processed for dhcp.  Initially, this will
> be for dhcp4 only until I can figure out how to do it for dhcp6.
> 6c. Thus, networkBuildDnsmasqHostsfile() needs to be split into two
> functions [one for addn-hosts and one for dhcp-hosts]. Additionally,
> all the functions which call dnsmasqSave() need to be reworked
> appropriately.

I've actually never liked the "dnsmasqContext" concept, as it seems like
overkill and has conceptual problems such as what you've described. I
would be just as happy with replacements that were simpler and easier to
deal with. I think part of what complicates dnsmasq.[hc] is that it's in
the util directory, so it isn't allowed to understand the contents of
virNetworkDef, and must instead be sent the list of hosts in a simpler
format. If, instead, there was a file src/network/bridge_dnsmasq.[hc],
that could have functions that took virNetworkDef as an arg, and just
immediately return a string (or, in a separate function, write to a
file). That should simplify calling, and writing tests. And existing
dnsmasq-related functions in bridge_driver.c could be moved there as
well, reducing clutter in bridge_driver.c. (Of course I'm saying all
this without ever seriously considering it, just talking off the cuff,
so I may be completely wrong :-)

> 7. So far, the only things I have done involving the xml specification
> is to enable <dhcp> for IPv6.  However, the  xml to specify a dns
> addn-hosts appears, IMHO, to be overly verbose and complicated.

It is made that way because a single IP address may have multiple
hostnames associated with it, and we want to avoid having multiple
methods of describing the same thing. What you propose in the next
couple sentences was already proposed, tried, and rejected when dns host
support was originally added.

>   So, while allowing the current xml to be valid, I suggest adding an
> alternate form for which is similar to that used for dhcp-host.  An
> example is "<host ip='' name='one' />"

There are a few places in libvirt's XML where the same thing can be
expressed in two different ways, but that is only done when necessary
because the existing XML is unable to completely describe the new
functionality but backward compatibility is required. It creates all
sorts of problems when formatting the config back into XML though (which
of the two do you choose? Or do you do both? Either of these is a bad
answer), therefore we definitely don't want to do that except in cases
where it is absolutely necessary; this isn't one of those cases.

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