On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:33 AM, Gao Yongwei <itx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> soga,you may not understand my english,^^,if you can speak Chinese I think I
> can help you more comfortable.
> I will try my best to share my experience.
> to get a bootable disk with os installed, you could try this command:
> wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/linux-0.2.img.bz2
> bunzip2 linux-0.2.img.bz2
> kvm-img convert -t directsync linux-0.2.img sheepdog:test

This helps me a lot, especially for your recommended linux-0.2.img,
which need not install os. Thanks very much ;-)

> virt-install does not belong to libvirt,but if you use RHEL or CentOS you
> could install this tool from yum:
> yum provides */virt-install
> or you can get the source from virt-manager.org

Yup, these tools are convenient. We will test our HLFS drivers by these

> to boot a vm from sheep vol you can use command like:
> kvm -hda sheepdog:test -hdb sheepdog:data

We use qemu but kvm to boot a vm.

> because VM's default vnc configuration in libvirt xml just binding the vnc
> port to,you can change the default ip address of vnc using virsh:
> virsh edit testvm

Yup, vnc ip addr is localhost and vnc port is 5900 ;-)

Thanks for your help.

Harry Wei

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