On 02/04/2013 04:31 PM, Stefan Berger wrote:
> On 02/04/2013 03:53 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
>> On 02/01/2013 09:41 PM, Stefan Berger wrote:
>>> On 02/01/2013 09:16 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
>>> I definitely prefer the ARRAY_CARDINALITY() instead of npos in my
>>> version of the test. Beyond that, it looks like your test copied and
>>> pasted so that the set vs. clear tests were independent, while mine
>>> interleaved the two to traverse over the same set. Coverage wise,
>>> either one of our tests gets just as much coverage of the added code;
>>> at least, I didn't see anything added by your test8() that wasn't
>>> present in my revised test4(). Maybe we can merge the two for a joint
>>> effort :-)  -- leaving test 4
>>> untouched.
>> Anyone else have an opinion?
> ACK.

I've gone ahead and pushed my version, then.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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