On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 09:36:03PM +0800, Daniel Veillard wrote:
>   The 1.0.3 release was on the 5th March, and right now we have
> accumulated 'only' 150 commits since the release. Based on this I
> would suggest to wait a couple of weeks before to enter a freeze
> for the following release. This mean we drift from the usual end
> of month, but the ratio of freeze/devel will remain more or less
> constant as well as the expected size of change in the new release.
>   So if this is fine I would suggest to enter freeze for 1.0.4
> on the 5th of April for a release around the 12. Unless there is
> a reason to push a release earlier,

I would prefer it if we just stuck to a release on/near April 1st
regardless of how many changes have accumulated. IMHO a predictable
release date once a month on/near 1st of the month is more important
than the amount of code that has been changed.

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