On 04/25/2013 11:15 AM, yue wrote:
i have 2 questions. both is related to spice usb redirect.
1. if i can control RW perm of usb device which is producted via spice ? in order to control user's rw operation in guestVM .

AFAIK currently, there is no such control on Read and Write permission. But you can use the following redirection filter to limit usb devices
       <usbdev> is a whitelist of filter policies.

       <usbdev class='0x08' vendor='0x1234' product='0xbeef' version='2.00' 
       <usbdev allow='no'/>

2.if user have several usbs, and plug them at the same time when using spice client. if i can control which usb(s) can be accessed by user in guestVM?

The virtual machine need to add one or more USB redirection channels<redirdev> first in to domain XML,
      and these filter policies apply to them globally. For example:

        <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='2'/>
          <usbdev vendor='0x1234' product='0xbeef' allow='yes'/>

About details see :http://www.libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsRedir


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