On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 12:50:37PM +0530, Arun Viswanath wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for your response.
> I like to know how test driver works.
> In the libvirt.org for test driver it is mentioned as "It can start with a
> pre-configured default config, or be given a path to an alternate config".
> Is the config is an xml file where we mentioned some dummy data so that the
> test driver will return it as response. If yes then where can I find this
> dummy file?
> As mentioned earlier my intention is to mock qemu calls. so it test driver
> works then I'm planning to remove the qemu driver and register "test"
> driver as "qemu" driver and take the fake data from the config file. Please
> let me know which are the files I need to look into to register "test" as
> "qemu" and make its operations to work.

The XML file is provided via the URI. For example


uses a built-in config, but you can supply a real path eg


Take a look at examples/xml/test/testnode.xml  in the libvirt source
tree for an example.

FYI, the test driver is used very successfully in virt-install and
virt-manager for testing their functionality in an automated way,
so I can strongly recommend its use, over trying to mock the APIs
or wire protocol yourself.

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|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
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