On 12/27/2013 02:40 PM, Wout Mertens wrote:
> OK… So what is the next step?

[please don't top-post on technical lists]

> I just noticed the <metadata> node 
> (http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsMetadata), could that be used 
> for this? E.g.
> <metadata>
>     <vpx:vmxpath xmlns:vpx=“http://libvirt.org/vmware/“>[foo] 
> bar/bar.vmx</vpx:vmxpath>
> </metadata>

No.  That would tie your solution to something that is opaque to libvirt.

> Otherwise it seems to me that this would be part of the general section, 
> perhaps simply a “path” node?

Not quite a path node.  I was thinking more like:

<domain type='kvm'>
  <pool name='mypool'/>

where the new <pool> element says that anything that the 'foo' domain
does that requires creation of new files will do so within the already
existing <pool> object with the name 'mypool'.  We can also support
<pool uuid='...'> (or both name and uuid at once).  If the <pool>
element is missing, that's when the domain uses defaults and/or refuses
to do tasks where we don't know where to stick the files.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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