On Monday, March 24, 2014 02:24:23 PM Eric Blake wrote:
> 'sed -i' is not portable (it is a GNU-ism) - but it's not the first time
> we've assumed GNU tools in this testsuite so I can overlook it.

Ok. I'll keep that in mind in the future. If you'd rather the -i not be used, 
it's easy enough to code around. Let me know if you want such a patch.

> Your code does not quite match your commit comment.  The first -e says
> to remove trailing spaces; the second -e says to replace all runs of 1
> or more space with 2 spaces.  You MEANT to use 's/   */  /g' for the
> second expression.  ACK with that fix, and pushed.

Thanks for that fix as well. I did indeed mean to have three spaces before the 
*.  :)


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