On 04/02/2014 08:06 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

>>> Rather than having a hardcoded choice of pm-utils vs systemd
>>> I think we should check if the systemd service is running and
>>> if so use it, otherwise fallback to pm-utils. That way if 
>>> someone has systemd installed, but is not running it as their
>>> init, things would still work
>> The idea is also to be able to drop the Requires: pm-utils in the spec
>> file... so a runtime check wouldn't help this.
> Oh, i mean you can still have WITH_PM_UTILS conditional in the RPM
> spec / configure check. Downstream user can thus have the option to
> have both enabled at build time, or to disable pm-utils and only rely
> on systemd.  ie we'd default to everything enabled and fully dynamic
> at runtime, but we'd set the RPM builds to disable pm-utils on
> Fedora >= 20

More or less this pseudo-code:

  try dbus calls; if successful return result
  try pm-utils calls; if successful return result
  return failure

and then it is possible for downstream to support both methods depending
on configure arguments.  That way, the spec file can control configure
flags to create an ideal situation for Fedora (enforcesystemd only)
while avoiding bitrot for developers (developers can enable both systemd
and pm-utils code to make sure both branches compile)

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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